Everybody loves a sad story. This is by no means a revolutionary idea – it is actually the foundation on which the entire discipline of literary studies stands (vis a vis Aristotle, keyword: catharsis). Long before I took Eng.Lit as my major and then quit reading like it was a bad habit, I (too) spent all my days devouring any and all forms of media that was guaranteed to make me cry, and it wasn't very long before the teen trauma-hunter that I was, discovered that there were few other forms of fiction that could compete with Holocaust Fiction in so reliably letting you open the floodgates. As a discerning young connoisseur of all things sad, nothing excited me more than a blurb which said “set in the 1940s”. What’s not to like? Terrifyingly dire and hopeless situations which the protagonists are almost never expected to survive? Check! Lots of potential for heartbreak, forbidden romances and tragic endings? Check and check! Hundred percent guaranteed results every single time!
Now, I don’t think this makes me any more masochistic or sadistic than the next person; the best way I could describe the feeling I got reading these books is that it’s something akin to sitting inside a warm, cozy room while it rains outside. As a teenager in the 21st century, I was both temporarily and spatially located too far from the scene of the crime (so to speak) to ever consider it as anything but really sad stuff that happened to a bunch of people who lived way before the thought of me ever existed in the universe. And so, I sought out books from all the vantage points in the war – from little Jewish girls who lived and died in their attics to prisoners who escaped from concentration camps, soldiers from both sides who fell in love with the wrong person, who died in various scenic locations all over Europe ( places which I bookmarked to visit one day, when I’m richer). In 2019 when I was still sitting in a comfy little armchair in an idyllic town on the Southern coast of India where nothing ever happened, inside the nice bubble that my parents had made for me, everything was fiction.
And then Covid happened, I ran out of interest in staying in bed all day with a book and took to staying in bed all day with a phone instead. I stopped reading almost completely, and the innumerable books I once devoured trickled down to a measly three or four each year, most of which were prescribed in my syllabus.
Enter 2025: the year of possibilities. I make a vision board, I write down a solid little TBR list. And on top of the list, I put down this one novel I’ve had in my list since before I quit. With no idea what awaited me, I dived in. 500 or so odd pages and an entire day's worth of reading later, I’m…worried. Something has changed, something is very wrong somewhere.
Doerr (Anthony Doerr, the Pulitzer winning author of ‘All The Light We Cannot See’) does his job wonderfully. The parallel storylines of the two protagonists converge beautifully, and all the parts come together to make the full picture without being too contrived ( which is extremely important to me personally). And in my capacity as an expert of all things sad, I could see the tragedy coming from miles away – it's literally why I picked it out — but it still made me cry, which is a huge win.
So what was wrong?
As it turns out, pre 2019 and post 2020 me are two very different people, as was the world around me. Someone on Twitter put it best; it's like the world has undergone a mass psychosis post Covid, with almost every major country in the world moving silently towards far-right politics, and neo-fascist modes of leadership. Up until maybe five years ago, neo-Nazi discourse on mainstream social media (or any media, for that matter) would have been considered unimaginable. But the richest man in the world thought it okay to give the Sieg Heil from the world's most publicised platform – TWICE – just days before he made the decision to withhold welfare and medical aid from the poorest people in a country to which he barely belongs. People are rounded up on false charges and flown out of the country, while concentration camps, sorry, detention centres are being built as we speak. Closer home, things are probably worse, and have been that way for some time now. Most recently though, people of a certain denomination were being hounded to display their religion visibly so certain other denominations may avoid or target them. The parallels really write themselves at this point. Oh and of course, there’s the issue of the millions of children and babies beheaded live in front of the whole world with apparently no consequences.
What was wrong was that I wasn’t standing inside the cozy room anymore; I was out there, in the rain and storm, watching helplessly as a tornado raged its way closer and closer to me, tearing everything in its path to bits.
I could go on, but I’m sure you get it. Everyone does. It doesn’t take an expert to tell you that the energy in the world has shifted for the worse, much worse, since the turn of the decade. If history is any indicator… I don't know how to end that sentence without sounding like a doomerist, if I already haven’t proved that I am exactly that. A therapist would tell you to be where your feet are, so that’s what I will do. I look around. I’m still sitting in a snug little armchair in an idyllic town where nothing ever happens. And I’m fine.
Until of course, the next time I open my eyes and check my phone.